My Life as an RA

Posts Tagged ‘diy

Hi everyone,

So I’ve been thinking, and I noticed that I talk a whole lot about occurrences with all the drunk people, and not enough about the more relaxing part of the job. Today I want to talk about getting inspired for programming and events. I have a various number of links that can help you get inspired. These ideas can help with everyone too, not just RA’s!!

The first places I go to when looking for ideas are RA Programming sites, the top one being BUT…

When I have lots of time in my hands, I try to create some events and programs that people have not done before. Repeating the same old things can get boring, for not only you, but your event goers too. I try getting inspired randomly.

Take peanut butter for example. That website has a list of national peanut butter days, you could take a whole month and devote it to peanut butter things (as long as no one is allergic) Have a food tasting event and Peanut Butter Games. GET CREATIVE!! finding inspiration in the weirdest of places can sometimes get you the best turn out.

Lastly, I want to mention the money aspect. We get a $150.00 budget but I like to save as much as possible. If you can find as many do it yourself things as possible, you can save money and throw a HOOPLA and go all out at the end of the semester!! Also, just browsing the internet one day you might  find something inspirational! Always keep your eyes open =)

Here is a silly video I found on youtube with some RA’s hosting a game-show week!


Have a Happy Wednesday

In Brasil there is this famous saying used to describe efficient and effective people. We say they are like brillo pads with one thousand and one uses. I know it sounds wierd when you translate it but it is the exact way I would describe Erick!

Erick is the maintainer in our building. Our building is apartment style and houses 212 students. Ericks keeps up with all of that. He not only does the daily chores like vaccuum the hallways, mops the elevator and sweep the stairs, he also takes care of the parking area downstairs, the patio, and the plants outside too!!

When we had a crazy snowstorm, Erick was outise in the moring using a snowblower to make a path for the students to leave with their cars! He snow blew almost the ENTIRE parking lot! This man is a genius!

When we have a plumber, HVAC,carpentry, or electrical problem, guess who fixes it? That’s right Erick. He literally does everything. We never have to call anyone else in becasue Erick knows how to fix it!

Besides being so helpful around the building he is also the nicest and funniest man you will every meet. He is so easy going and probably knows as much, if not more, of the residents than I do.

I strongly believe that part of the reason why our building has had no damages yet this semester and is kept up so well is becasue of Erick, The best maintainer ever! and I mean it!

I just wanted to post about him today because he too is a big part of the building and deserves to be appreciated like everyone else! He is the coolest! =D

**I will post a picture soon,

Past Posts

Room Reservation Deposits

Get them payed on time!!March 1, 2012
$200... you don't want to lose housing!

Spring Break!

March 9, 2012

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