My Life as an RA

Posts Tagged ‘clothes

Hey Bloggers,

Being a Resident Assistant can be a lot of work. Managing schoolwork, events, duty nights, and the unexpected can get a little much at times. Sleepless nights and drunk residents later, here I am creating a blog.

Two days ago I was leaving my apartment to go to class in the morning and what do I see? CLOTHES!! everywhere! Someone decided that they were so enraged that there were clothes in the laundry room, that they spread them out all over the ground. I picked the clothes up and put them back in the laundry room.

I tried to put myself in their shoes and process why they decided to just throw clothes everywhere. Sometimes these things are not meant to be understood… they happen.

Odd mornings like this are what keeps me entertained…

I love my job!

Past Posts

Room Reservation Deposits

Get them payed on time!!March 1, 2012
$200... you don't want to lose housing!

Spring Break!

March 9, 2012

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