My Life as an RA

Posts Tagged ‘day

Snow day

Posted on: March 2, 2012

Hey bloggers,

So my school is traumatized by snow due to the ridiculous snowpocalypse that happened in October. Since then, we have had a basically snowless winter… UNTIL… wednesday!!

I am an RA in downtown housing so we have to deal with city parking. Unfortunatley, the city is not very helpful and so we are stuck with having to try and be the go to people for what the city is doing (even though they do not really inform us). Around 10PM on wednesday night an officer started ticketing all the student cars parked on the side street without warning. Apparently there was a street parking ban that had bveen updated at 7PM. Many students were checking the website and saw nothing until around 10:15PM. My boss tried to get him to wait a couple minutes so we could get people to move their cars and he refused to help out and said the tow would be coming in an hour.  Me, another RA, my boss, and another RD, were running around the building telling people to move their cars. Apparently the website we checked was not the most reliable, even though the city clerk told us to use that site. Luckily we were able to get all the cars moved before the tow showed up and all the students will be appealing the tickets! =) Love downtown housing but not when it comes to parking!

From now on, we will be checking the local t.v. station and getting the update from the weather blog to help out the student and their commute to campus!

Have a great weekend!!!


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